आलस्यं हि मनुष्याणां शरीरस्थो महान् रिपुः

नास्त्युद्यमसमो बन्धुः कृत्वा यं नावसीदति।।

Ālasyaṁ Hi Manuṣyāṇāṁ Śarīrastho Mahān Ripuḥ.

Nāstyudyamasamo Bandhuḥ Kr̥tvā Yaṁ Nāvasīdati.

Laziness living in a man’s body is his biggest enemy, there is no other friend like hard work because the one who works hard is never unhappy.

Success is definitely not a new term. We have already come across millions of quotes, essays, and speeches about what success is. But, do you think you can define success? Do you have the opinion that success is the same for everyone? Though the technical definition of success is “ achievement of something you planned to do” it may not always be the same. Success can be as simple as passing your exams to most complicated as handling your whole family. For some, success may be a promotion that they desired, but for someone else, it may be the wish to see someone smile. Success in its simplest definition can be our hunt for happiness. We are consistently engaged in efforts to achieve our goals so that at the end of the day we are happy.

 We know that success is definitely not an easy term. It changes from person to person, from time to time, and from place to place. No one on this planet wouldn’t want to be successful. Though the idea of success keeps varying according to the variables,  Everyone dreams about getting successful. But success doesn’t necessarily come to everyone. That is, not everyone’s successful. Why?

Success takes time, effort, and patience. You can’t expect yourself to be successful overnight. But with ideal plan efforts and hard work, one can truly achieve success. 

Before we move on, what is the first thing that comes to your mind when you think of the word “ success “? Was it money? Or fame? Or maybe a good job? As already said, Success can be as simple as reading one whole book to building a luxurious house that one dreamt of. But is it always the success that drives you? We as human beings are always behind in comfort and happiness. No one literally would want to be sad and stressed all the time. What drives us towards success is our unconscious desire to be in a good state of mind that isn’t stressful. Success doesn’t give you happiness or comfort, but the satisfaction and comfort that comes with it give you dopamine. But whatever definition one gives, success can be a crucial factor in defining your life.

Have you experienced tears of joy when you achieved something that you really wanted? That happy uncontrollable smile and that lump in my throat due to that happiness were truly unexplainable, right? What do you think makes success this beautiful?

I would say the journey itself. Let’s imagine a contrasting scenario. How different would you feel when you achieved something so quickly with very little effort and how would you feel when you reach something with persistent hard work effort and sincerity?

 Obviously, Both of them would definitely give you happiness but in most cases, the second situation would give you more internal satisfaction. Why is it so? Because it’s not just the success that matters but also the journey. It’s not just the destination but also the journey. A journey towards your goal is definitely a beautiful one. It may not be easy and you may find yourself in situations you would want to quit. But, the success that comes after is truly magical. In the journey, you fail, fall, and would wanna turn back but you also learn, discover, and grow. So enjoying the journey is one of the most important things that one should do while determined to do something.

Success doesn’t come without overcoming limitations. As mentioned in the initial Sanskrit slogan, factors like laziness can act as your enemy in the journey to success. These factors may resist you from achieving success. Apart from this, the five other’s constructs that hinder your journey toward success are:

  1. Procrastination: it is the act of postponing your work. This may be an indication of laziness and makes your work incomplete and makes it difficult for your success journey.
  1. Lack of resources:  The presence or absence of resources is not to be considered a primary source of measuring success. A person can still make the best use of the available resources to improve performance. However, collecting and connecting resources is necessary so as to obtain a long-lasting effect of success.
  1. Ego; Ego restricts you from your goal by hindering you to think beyond your immediate circumstances.  It hinders a wider and more pragmatic way of thinking.
  1. Loss of focus;  Loss of focus can often lead to a loss of clarity in your work and the quality of the thing you do. This also affects the quality of your success. So it’s very important to focus on what you’re doing and what you’re supposed to do.
  1. Fear;  Comfort Zone can be a major killer of your success. you should be ready to get out of your comfort zone and be ready to take risks to move forward for bigger rewards. Taking risks doesn’t mean risks that are dangerous but properly planned and managed risks can help in personal as well as professional growth.

Now, how do you know you did something? Is it only after achieving what you wanted? Success can also be the milestones you reach during your journey toward success. Maybe you wanted to finish the whole book in 1 week and you set schedules for finishing 5 chapters a day. When you achieve that milestone, that itself is a tiny part of success in your journey. No one can guarantee success in your life. But there are things that can help you get a step closer to achieving your goals.

 Hard work is the primary step towards the goal. If you want to succeed, you’ll have to push yourself through all the ups and downs to reach that goal. “What lies before us and what lies behind us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us.” But it’s not just about hard work too. You may be working hard for hours a day and still not getting succeeded but someone else may be working half the time but still managing to get the things you wanted. So it’s not just about how much time you work but also how you work. Always keep in mind that success comes with failure. If you have to succeed, you’ll have to fail. But what matters is how you perceive and interpret your failure to fire up your passion toward your goal.  But keep in mind, it’s not impossible. With the right effort and patience, you can definitely achieve whatever you which to.

Now the obvious question would be how to achieve it. How to increase my chances of being successful? How do you mold yourself to be successful and get out of the procrastination? We will get you through this in the next article. Join us on the journey toward success.

Key Takeaways

  • Success is technically the achievement of something you planned to do and can vary from person to person, situation to situation, and from time to time.
  • Success is an important factor that determines the outcome of life
  • Various factors like procrastination, ego, fear, etc can hinder your way to success.
  • Consistent efforts and practice can definitely lead you toward success.

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