SarvaYog RISERS Volunteers Community Program is an invitation for Human Beings to Being more Human, by simply ‘doing what we were born to do’ i.e. doing good for others always, continual learning, and being in harmony with the nature. And in this process further evolving their leadership skills, honing their talents to the next level, and gaining newer insights. Your self-evolution is expedited when You contribute for giving back to society with passion, energy and creativity, while learning and growing yourself.


To awaken, nurture, and ignite the human essence in everyone! & transform the world around us for continually being better than the best of its yesterday.


To fully support SarvaYog’s mission, which is alignment to humankind need of the moment, towards evolving a more human and more habitable world that is coherently in harmony with the nature.  Engaging and inspiring people for a greater humanity and raising hope; by assisting for creating a learning, loving, growing and supportive environment for everyone.


Risers is Community. You will a part of a wonderful community of people committed to make a positive difference for your personal growth, and for the growth of humanity

Risers is Service and Growth. The Risers experience is designed to enable you to apply your talents into practice, expedite your journey of growth, create a movement of hope and action, and witness the evolution of a movement and transformation of your surroundings.

Risers is Commitment.  You will engage with passion, persistence and plasticity, in pursuit of a better human being, a better world, all full of compassion for the fellow beings and making positive contribution to rejuvenate the world. Will actively conduct ort participate in events to create awareness and for accomplishing the objectives stemming from the vision.

Risers is Learning. You will be self-motivated and always a keen seeker of wider wisdom. You are willing to learn through self-initiatives, observations, reflections and from others who qualify to teach.

Risers is Caring. During the event(s) you will extend due support, and contribute efforts with detachment.

Risers Coordinators Team

The SarvaYog ‘Risers Coordinators Team’ is a group of honorary volunteers passionate about helping make this world a better place for everyone. Inspired by SarvaYog’s vision and mission, they volunteer gratis to give their valuable efforts to train, facilitiate, coordinate and manage SarvaYog Risers Community.

Picture of Priya Khatri
Priya Khatri
Picture of Ruchi Balkrishna
Ruchi Balkrishna
Picture of Tanushree Ruia
Tanushree Ruia
Picture of Vaishali Prakash
Vaishali Prakash
Picture of SarvaYog Riser Coordinator
SarvaYog Riser Coordinator
Picture of SarvaYog Riser Coordinator
SarvaYog Riser Coordinator
Picture of SarvaYog Riser Coordinator
SarvaYog Riser Coordinator
Picture of SarvaYog Riser Coordinator
SarvaYog Riser Coordinator

To become a volunteer of SarvaYog Riser’s Community, Please send an email to

Copyright © SarvaYog 2020.
SarvaYog: A brand founded and owned by Kapil chhabra

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