Globalization and technological advancements are accelerating rapid changes in the social context and economic development environment. The rules of the game are changing quickly. Neither the word vocation-ability nor the word employability explicitly denotes employment. However, the term vocation-ability suggests a wider concept of skills than is usually covered by the word employability. 

Vocation-ability can be seen as an emergent alternative approach to the traditional employment model, encompassing within itself the skills for the future, and creating possibilities for wider choices between employment, entrepreneurship, and artistic pursuits, and be getting paid too, in the process.

You see, vocation-ability is the state of being able to recognize where our talents and the needs of the world align, and then confidently and professionally pursuing it with enthusiasm, integrity, and credibility. It’s about building trust with those around us and making the most of the talents we have. With vocation-ability, we can truly make a difference in the world.

And don’t worry—it’s not just for people who are already successful! If you feel like something you’re passionate about isn’t getting enough attention or recognition, or if you’re just looking to move beyond your current role and do something more meaningful, vocation-ability can help!

For some people, their vocation may be something that they have always been interested in and naturally gravitate towards. Others may find they’re calling later in life after trying out a few different things. There is no correct path to finding your vocation – it is different for everyone. 

What is a vocation? 

A vocation is a specific occupation, trade, or profession to which a person is specially drawn or for which they are suited. It is usually the result of prolonged training and experience. 

Finding your vocation doesn’t have to be a difficult process. By understanding your passions, talents, and skills, you can take the first steps towards discovering the occupation that is especially suited to you. While the path to your vocation may be different for everyone, it is a journey worth taking. With dedication and perseverance, you can find the vocation that will bring you joy and fulfilment – your true calling.

What is vocation-ability? 

The term “vocation-ability” is used to describe the ability of an individual to identify and pursue their calling or vocation in life. This can be a difficult task for many people, as they may not be sure what their true passion is or how to go about pursuing it. However, those who have vocation-ability are often able to find great satisfaction and success in their chosen field.

By understanding your vocation-ability and taking advantage of the tools it provides, you will be in a better position to identify and pursue your calling in life. With the right attitude and dedication, you can find success and satisfaction in your chosen field.

Following Vocation Ability To Build A Successful Occupation

Building a strong occupation requires focus, dedication and the right tools. The key to success is in one’s vocation-ability, which is the ability to make things happen and set oneself apart from others. It is important to evaluate one’s skills and how they are used to make the most of the occupation. Vocation-ability involves the way one interacts with others, communicates, and takes initiative to move forward, which is why it is essential to assess it and identify ways to improve it. One way to do this is to consider how one gets things done- whether it be independent work or needing some direction, as well as how others can work with one effectively. With focus, dedication and the right tools, one can progress and build a successful, long-term occupation.

Building Vocational Success- 

SarvaYog is in pursuit of building a platform for lifelong vocational success for everyone, for life, work, and citizenship, while enabling a structured approach for the Discover, Focus or Action phases of their respective vocational journey. Your vocational journey is the reflective journey of discovery and exploration of yourself, your future options, and the world you would like to enter.

Passion, Professionalism and Trust- PPT

When it comes to choosing a vocation, it is important to follow your passion. However, it is also essential to be professional and to build trust (and trustworthiness). Here are three tips to help you find the right occupation path for you:


      1. Passion: The Passion Mindset is not an effective leader to follow, it is based on asking selfish questions, such as “What kind of occupation will make me feel good?”, “What can I get out of the occupation?” and “Does this occupation make me feel alive?”. Ultimately, this approach leads to dissatisfaction with an occupation and a tendency to jump from one occupation to another in search of fulfilment, which explains why it is a bad leader to follow.

    Craftsmen Mindset: The Craftsmen Mindset approaches work differently, asking questions such as “How can I use my talents to serve others? How can I become better at serving others? What can I offer this company, this community, this client base?”. By focusing on others instead of oneself, this mindset challenges growth and causes one to put in hours of effort to become great at something, often leading to passion. This attitude is also more likely to lead to occupation hopping in order to become better at something or to try different ways of serving others, rather than for the sake of passion.

    In conclusion, having a craftsmen mindset is essential to achieving one’s true passion and purpose in life. It encourages us to have a clear vision of our goals and strive for excellence in all of our endeavours. It also helps us stay focused on our goals and puts us in a better position to realize our dreams and passions. With a craftsmen mindset, we can create great things and make our lives more meaningful and fulfilling.

    2. Professionalism: It means conducting oneself with responsibility, integrity, accountability, and excellence. It is about communicating effectively and appropriately and always finding a way to be productive. 

    3. Trust: Trust is built on three key elements: Ability, Integrity, and Benevolence. Ability is the capacity to reliably execute on tasks, Integrity is a commitment to honesty and consistency, and Benevolence is the desire to treat others with kindness and respect. 

    When these three elements converge, true trust is established. Without any one of these, trust cannot exist.

    How to be successful in a vocation? 

    If you want to be successful in your vocation, you have to be passionate about it. It’s not enough to just enjoy your work; you have to be absolutely dedicated to it. When you’re passionate about something, you’ll naturally put more effort into it and be more willing to sacrifice for it. That’s what it takes to be successful in any field.

    Of course, being passionate doesn’t guarantee success. You still have to work hard and make smart decisions. But if you’re not passionate about what you’re doing, chances are you won’t put in the extra effort that’s often necessary for success. So if you want to achieve something great in your occupation, start by finding something you’re truly passionate about.

    Thank you so much for taking the time to read this blog post.

    I hope you found it helpful and informative, and I’d love to hear your thoughts in the comments below.

    In the next blog post, I’ll be talking about Passion and how it can help you to stay motivated and focused on your goals.

    Key Takeaways- 

    – Find a fulfilling vocation

    – Not sure what your purpose is? Take a personality test

    – Learn new skill and develop traditional skills

    – Upgrading your skills today will help you secure a occupation in the future

    – reflect on what you love

    – help others discover their purpose

    – Go see other people do it better than you do and learn

    – Leverage the skills you gained to get paid doing things you love! If you can

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