By now, we are already aware that success is the achievement of a desirable goal that you set for yourself. Be it reading a small book or becoming what you dreamt of or buying a car, success can vary from person to person time to time, and culture to culture. Your personal values, situations, communication style, resources, and the willingness of the people to help you can all determine your success. 

We also can across a concept called PIP, which is the first P stands for Executive Presence. I for Influence and P for persuasion. We looked upon the facts that grounded our beliefs on success and how this concept aids in attaining success. Being ranked 2 in the leadership traits that one desires, the PIP way can definitely lead an individual towards success without many hurdles and struggles. We further aimed to look at each of the concepts of PIP more closely and get a better idea of how and why to use it. 

The first letter P stands out to represent executive presence as one of the primary traits of the whole process. Executive presence is the ability of an individual to act efficiently while incorporating the prototypical leadership traits. Executive presence is an important and essential trait for the success of a person in his/her both personal and professional life and this particular trait helps in obtaining the trust of the employed with minimal effort and inspired them to do the task. Though this is a very important concept, this is not just the only thing that’s necessary for your journey toward success. The influence which is the description of the second letter I in PIP is yet another contrast that is very important in your way towards achieving success.

Thomas Kohntopp once stated that “  It is the followers who define the leader. Without them, success is up to chance”. So, being a leader, and influencing coworkers, employees or juniors or seniors is very important to effectively get your task done. We see multiple advertisements on television for various brands and products, but even though it lasts only for a few minutes of second, it really influences us into buying at least some of those. In psychology, it’s explained through subliminal perception. So at the end of the day, we’re convinced by the fact that influencing others or being able to influence others is definitely advantageous in a cooperative sector. Political campaigns, Social media influencers motivational speakers are all engaging in this process, that is influence. 

Influence is the primary step in setting the ground for the primary changes by laying down the facts and highlighting the problem. This draws our attention to the problem most of the time we weren’t even aware of. It explores the need of addressing the issue and bringing about change. Influence enlists the benefits of all the possible outcomes and motivates an individual to make the desired change. Influence may make changes in the belief systems of individuals and have the potential to tune out the best results in almost every possible occasion. The influential factor helps the leader attain good communication skills with the employees and vice versa and allows a better learning and contributing environment.

Why is it so important for a leader to have effective influential skills over individuals?

We have already come across various situations demanding why we need to influence others to act efficiently toward achieving a goal. Being social beings, humans may need the help of other social beings for attaining the goals they desire.

 Let’s look at an example, an owner of a company would like to sell his products and maximize his/her profits. In order to market the product, the owner hires an influencer or an actor. The influencer uses his/ her influence over the audience to gain attention correspondingly leading us towards even buying the products we don’t even really need. So there, the person is using another’s influential skill in attaining what he/she wants to achieve which is achieving his/her goal

. Wayne K Hog and Page A Smith in their journal Influence: a key to successful leadership, they have discussed 10 principles of influence: namely

  1. The principle of attraction: Individuals are attracted to people who are similar to them

This principle states that people like others who are similar to themselves. As a leader, creating stable relationships with people, who also have a common interest is very important. As we’ve already come across, individuals tend to follow people whom they genuinely admire. So, building common interests and healthy relationships among people can help in developing a strong sense of influence among people.

  1. The principle of Reciprocity; Individuals feel obligated to return a good deed; people help those who help them

Don’t you feel the sense that you owe something to someone just because they did something to you once? That’s exactly what we talk about when we think about the principle of reciprocity. Edward Westermarack in 1908 suggested that to requite a benefit, or to be grateful to him who bestows it, is probably everywhere, at least under certain circumstances, regarded as a duty. 

As a leader in an organization or someone trying to execute this particular concept, it provides you the ‘ first mover advantage’. Helping someone with something they struggle with, they’ll be indebted to do something in return. That is, you give something and you’ll be receding something in return.

  1. The principle of colleagueship: Individuals listen to and follow the lead of respected colleagues  

As social beings, all of us are dependent on one another for doing things. We seek social approval and admiration while doing a task. People tend to approve and repeat the behaviors that are done by respectable people or the ones they admire. Use of the positions of respectable people can enhance your value and position. For example: By asking a superior person on a team to help you initiate a work can reduce the resistance from the faculty.

  1. The principle of commitment: individuals are motivated to act on the basis of their public commitment

People who admire their leaders not only like them but also envision their ideals and perspectives. Most people stick to their commitment because it is voluntary and public. Choices that are said out loud is the one that people most likely stick to than the ones not said. Also, foot in the door technique that is making them agree to a larger request by allowing them to commit to a smaller request comes into play.

 In an organizational setting, when one commits himself: or herself to a goal, it becomes very easy to attain the target. More focus, attention, persistence, effort, etc will be involved when one commits to his/her actions.

  1. The principle of Expertise: Individuals defer to those with demonstrated expertise

Who will you support more or be in a team within a quiz competition, just someone or someone who you know has knowledge in the particular topic? The answer most of us will choose is the one who has a good level of knowledge in the topic. People can be easily influenced if they are convinced by the fact that you have the necessary expertise. So as to make a difference to achieve your goals, you need to constantly reassure your expertise in the field to the people.

 Demonstrating skills, solving problems, and coming up with novel ideas are some of the ways you can do to claim your expertise. Formal and informal meetings can be used to display your talents and skills. But it’s always important to keep in mind that, you shouldn’t be boasting yourself while you’re trying to claim the expertise as that can insist a sense of negativity in the audience thereby reducing the power of influence.

  1. The principle of scarcity: Individuals desire what is scarce, not what is plentiful.

A tree and unique object hold greater value than the ones which are scarce. Leaders generally have information on what is available and what is not available and how much it can help her/ his employees. So, the success of a leader lies when the person knows how to distribute these resources successfully. It is also necessary that he/she acts transparent to them, otherwise, it may act counterproductive

. Resources mean not just about things but also the information he/she knows. This can be used to win the confidence of others, and gain trust and respect.

  1. The principle of trust; Individuals follow whom they trust

Trust is a vital aspect of any individual’s life and especially in the case of leadership. The motivation of the workers, their efforts, quality of work, speed with which the decisions are implemented, etc depends largely on the trust and confidence the employee or the coworkers have in the person who leads them. Trust creates a sense of mutual influence over one another.

 It’s very hard to influence a person who doesn’t trust you. The person must make oneself clear, open, and reliable and prove that he’s trustworthy. The influence of the leaders can also expand as the trust deepens. With the concept of trust, the person is able to achieve his or her desired goals.

  1. The principle of fairness; Individuals desire fair treatment

Is there anyone among us who doesn’t want to be treated fairly? No one desires injustice right?  Fairness is a primary factor that determines the job satisfaction of the employee, what they feel about the leader, and also regarding the organization. 

Fairness or equity can be of 2 types

  1. The fairness of who gets what
  2. The fairness of mechanisms of distribution 

The productivity of individuals towards their work reduces when they feel that they are being treated unfairly. It’s always important to treat someone as you would like to be treated. Through this, you can easily win the trust of others and can influence them in their actions.

  1. The principle of self-efficacy; Individuals who are confident in their ability to succeed

Self-efficacy is the belief in one’s own ability and personal skills to be able to overcome a situation. It is the primary reason for the success of any individual. They should believe in their abilities to be successful. This creates a sense of positivity in the employees leading them to believe and trust the person too. If the person starts believing in themselves, others also start to believe in him/her.

  1. The principle of optimism: Optimism enhances success

Optimism is focusing on the positive aspects of life and thinking constructively to overcome the difficulties in life. Optimism and self-efficacy are to an extent related as it is concerned with believing in the abilities and positive circumstances. Optimism creates a sense of morale and motivation in the people and develops confidence and trust in you. Through optimistic thinking, you’re able to think constructively and find the best solution to a problem without many hurdles which again reduces the stressful condition of the ones.

So, by now we’re clear on how many factors contribute to influencing one over another and how important it is for the success of an individual. Be it starting from simple trust leading to factors like fairness and optimism each of them had a specific and consistent role in contributing to the influence of others and thereby attaining desired goals. In the next blog, we’ll look into the final factor of persuasion and how it’s interconnected to success. 

Key takeaways

  • Influence as the word suggests is the ability to influence others with charisma and dedication
  • Influence can be developed from good communication skills and can contribute to better understanding and trust.
  •  Wayne K Hog and Page A Smith in their journal discussed 10 principles of influence namely

 1) Principle of attraction

 2) Principle of reciprocity

 3) Principle of colleagueship 

4) Principle of commitment 

5) Principle of scarcity 

6) Principle of expertise 

7) Principle of trust 

8) Principle of fairness 

9) Principle of self-efficacy 

10) Principle of optimism.

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