Personality development is a complex process that is influenced by a wide range of factors. External factors play an essential role in shaping an individual’s personality. These external factors include family, peers, culture, media, and other environmental influences. Understanding the impact of these factors can help individuals gain insight into the development of their personality. This blog will discuss the external factors affecting our Personality Development. These factors are:

  • Social Interaction
  • Environment
  • Culture

  1. How does social interaction shape our personality:

 It has the power to shape our personalities and affect our attitudes and behaviours. Our personality is the combination of traits and characteristics that make us unique, and it is heavily influenced by our social interactions. Social interaction can have a positive or negative impact on our personality. Positive social interactions, such as developing relationships with friends and family, can help us to develop our sense of self-worth and build confidence. This can be beneficial in many areas of our lives, including our professional and academic pursuits.

On the other hand, negative social interactions can have a detrimental effect on our personality. Interacting with people who are critical or judgmental can lead to feelings of inadequacy and low self-esteem. It can cause us to question our own values and beliefs, leading to a lack of confidence in our decisions and actions.

Social interaction can also influence our behaviours. Being around people who have a positive outlook on life can help us to remain optimistic and take risks. On the other hand, spending time with people who are pessimistic can make us doubt our own abilities and lead us to make decisions that we later regret. Our social interactions also affect our emotional state. Spending time with people who are supportive and understanding can make us feel loved and valued while being around people who are unkind or dismissive can make us feel anxious and insecure.

Overall, social interaction has the power to shape us in both positive and negative ways. It can make us feel more confident, optimistic, and emotionally secure, or it can cause us to doubt ourselves and make decisions we later regret. To ensure that our social interactions are beneficial, it is important to surround ourselves with positive people who support our growth and development

  1. How does our environment change our personality:

Our environment has a profound impact on our personalities and behaviours. It can shape our perspectives, influence our decisions and motivate our actions.

The environment we grow up in plays an important role in our personality development. For instance, if we grow up in a supportive and nurturing home, we may be more confident and outgoing. On the other hand, if we grow up in an abusive or neglectful home, we may end up feeling insecure and anxious. The environment we are exposed to during our formative years can have lasting effects. Therefore, it’s important to ensure that we’re surrounded by positive and supportive people who can help us grow and reach our fullest potential.

 on our personalities. Our environment can also shape our values and beliefs. If we’re exposed to a certain religious or cultural group, we may take on the same values and beliefs. This can be especially true if our parents or other influential people in our lives are part of that group.

The environment we live and work in can also have a significant impact on our personalities. If we’re in a stressful job, we may become more impatient and irritable. Conversely, if we’re in a positive work environment, we may become more outgoing and optimistic. Our environment can also affect our decision-making skills. If we’re surrounded by people who make poor decisions, we may be more likely to do the same. However, if we’re around people who make wise and informed decisions, we may be more likely to do the same.

Finally, our environment can influence our motivation and ambition. If we’re surrounded by people who are successful and driven, we may be inspired to reach our own goals. On the other hand, if we’re around people who are lazy and unambitious, we may become less motivated.

In conclusion, our environment has a powerful impact on our personalities. It can shape our values, beliefs, and decision-making skills and motivate us. 

  1. How does our culture influence our personality:

Our culture is a powerful influence on our personality and behaviour. It shapes the way we think, feel and act. It is made up of the values, beliefs, norms and traditions that define our society and influence our behaviour. Culture shapes our identity and how we see ourselves. It can determine how we interact with people, how we dress, what language we speak, what we eat and so much more. It is also a reflection of our history and heritage.

Our culture influences our values and beliefs. It influences how we perceive and interpret the world around us. Our culture also influences our attitudes and expectations. It can shape our opinions and behaviours. Our culture also influences our sense of purpose and our outlook on life. It can shape how we view success and failure, and how we define our goals.

Our culture also influences our relationships. It determines how we interact with others and how we express our feelings. It can also shape our communication style and how we resolve conflicts. Finally, our culture influences our lifestyle. It helps us decide what is important to us and how we spend our time. It can influence our career choices, our leisure activities and how we spend our money.

Moreover, our culture can also have a major impact on our values and beliefs. For example, if we grow up in a culture that emphasises religious beliefs, we may be more likely to be religious and have more traditional values. On the other hand, if we grow up in a culture that emphasises progressive values, we may be more likely to be open-minded and tolerant of other cultures.

 In short, our culture can have a significant influence on our personality. It can shape our attitudes, values, beliefs, behaviours, and even our worldview. As a result, it is important to be aware of our culture and how it might be shaping our identity.


In conclusion, the development of an individual’s personality is greatly influenced by external factors such as family, society, culture, and media. These influences shape the way an individual views themselves and the world around them, leading to the formation of their identity. All of these external factors are taken into account when we consider the development of an individual’s personality.


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