Science tells us that we are mortals within a physical lifetime; this hypothesis has led to high levels of materialism. The physical world around us exhibits the great strides human species have made over the centuries.  

While modernisation is accelerating at a rapid pace; humans conveniently seem to undermine ‘the nature’ the very source of its own creation and is seemingly battering the very ecosystem (i.e. planet earth) it inherited to live-in.

The complexity of human species as a physical body, and its self-healing capabilities, far exceed any known scientific advancements; Yet, we look so fragile when nature reacts to the effects caused through human actions. It is in such times, when a big calamity happens or a big pandemic occurs, we as a human species are compelled to introspect and reflect if we are only the physical beings or much more. We ponder who we really are.

It has been long established that there are realities that go beyond what science has discovered thus far. Many of the most accomplished scientists have expressed that at times when they have made a new discovery they are astonished at how some ancient wisdom seems to have already narrated it though the revelation was not realised earlier.

Dr J Robert Oppenheimer, one of the top physicists in the world and regarded as “the father of the atomic bomb”, was also a great lover of Sanskrit. He had studied a vast number of Sanskrit books in original, including the Bhagavad Gita. Dr Oppenheimer’s, on witnessing the first atomic explosion, on 16th July, 1945, reportedly said: “Divi surya sahastrasya bhaved yugapad utthita Yadi bhah sadrashi sa syat bhasastasya mahatmanah” which means: “If the radiance of a thousand suns were to burst at once in the sky, that would be the splendour of the mighty One”.  That shloka is in the chapter where Lord Krishna reveals his massive divine form to Arjuna. It is a matter of curiosity as an event which in scientific perspective occurred in 1945 could so well be illustrated in an epic composed about 5200 years earlier.

Intriguingly, according to ancient legend, and in a way alluded in many epics, human beings are godlike and initially had divine qualities too, but over time decay in humanity occurred. So, the almighty creator decided to take the divinity away from humans, and preserve it somewhere human would never find it, and thus conferred with the council of gods who felt that human will eventually rediscover it whether hidden in the innermost cavities of earth, or descended to the deepest surface of oceans or ascended to the highest peak of mountains. Eventually, it was determined to hide the divinity in humans deep into the center of their own being; as presumably humans will search for divinity everywhere except within their true selves. And since then, humans have been searching for divinity everywhere outside across earth, water and sky; except within themselves.

“Divinity lies within us all”. It is like a nucleus within an atom. Everything in the Universe is composed of atoms. Even the cells of the human body are composed of atoms. More specifically, cells are structures made up of billions of molecules, and each molecule is composed of atoms. Each atom is an interleaved part of the Universe. Matter is never created since the creation of the Universe, it just transforms from one form to another.

We are all one, bound by the oneness of the universe. Everything around us is an exchange of energy through which we vibrate at different levels. The universe manifests as a supreme power which is unseen and invisible, yet omnipresent.

Once Swami Vivekananda said: “All power is within you; you can do anything and everything even without the guidance of anyone. Stand up and express the divinity within you.”

As a child we are born as our true-self and then over time we become a new-self that is influenced by our culture, observations, experiences and ambitions. We human beings often compare ourselves with the more privileged ones around us. Fear depletes our positivity and creates low energy vibration in us, which in-turn impacts our experiences. We strive to get more and more from the outside to fill ourselves. We seek external advice, insights, and pleasures, whether tangible or intangible to make us feel better. As when we deviate from our true-self we get directed to those pursuits that lack substance. 

The path to fulfilment and abundance is actuated when our actions are in alignment, and are empowering, to our inner being i.e. true-self. The question is, do we recognise and nurture our true-self?

The process of recognising our true-self commences through meditation for connecting to our inner being, and through a guided process of introspection. These processes assist us to perceive our innate talents, core values and purpose. Actions in alignment to our true self unleashes our inner power and activates higher energies and vibrations to manifest outward ‘true success’ to the next superior level. ‘True success’ is about accomplishing a ‘Life of Quality, Distinction, Prosperity, and Fulfilment’. Fulfilment enables us to experience joy and a feeling of wholeness.

Stimulate the Power Within to Actuate Outward Success

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