
Apart from acquiring analytical thinking and complex problem-solving skills, an individual must also possess the skills of Critical Thinking and analysis and how to initiate creativity, originality, and contribute initiative. The combination of these two skills enables a person to reach conclusions and let them draw effective outcomes out of the business situations so encountered. These results are due to the active participation of employees in carrying out the activities with innovation and creativity.

Critical Thinking and analysis

To conclude, reasoning is used if we are indulged in practising critical thinking. It assists individuals to interpret information and facts and make decisions regarding right or wrong. It refers to the ability of an individual to analyze the information available objectively and evaluate reasoned judgment of it. It comprises the evaluation of different sources be it data, facts and figures, observable phenomena, and research findings if any. Good critical thinkers work toward solving a problem by differentiating between useful and least preferable and useful information to take effective decisions. It enables an individual to think rationally and find logical connections by creating a bridge between ideas. It is more about being an active learner rather than passively absorbing information. 

Critical thinkers are characterized by the following traits:

• Critical thinkers are indulged in rigorously questioning the ideas and assumptions so considered rather than accepting them the way they are at face value. 

• They strive towards determining whether the ideas, assumptions, and findings are representing the entire picture as per the framework constructed. 

• They have possessed an ability to recognize, analyze and find the solution for the posed problem systematically rather than following their intuition or instinct.

• Those who determine and evaluate the importance and relevance of arguments and new thoughts so generated.

• They possess the ability to recognize inconsistency and errors so found during reasoning.

• They pose relevant points concerning assumptions, beliefs, and values so that they get better justification and support.

The skills which are needed to enable a person to think critically involve:

• Observation and making analysis 

• Interpretation and drawing facts out of the information available 

• Evaluation and coming up with solutions 

• Inferences and giving a detailed explanation 

• Then solving the problem so posed 

• Effective decision making 

Specifically, one must be able to:

• Give a thought about a topic or issue in an objective approach critically.

• Recognize and evaluate different arguments so done concerning a particular matter.

• Analyze and evaluate a point kept forward to asses it’s strength Nd validity in comparison to other alternative ideas and points.

• If arguments are supported with some weaknesses and negative points then they need to be identified and evaluated.

• To identify what could be possible implications that would support an argument or a statement.

• There is a need to provide an argument with structured reasoning and support that one wishes to have.

Importance of critical thinking

The importance of critical thinking can be realized in the workplace as:

  • Universal skill- critical thinking is defined as a domain-related general skill, whatever path or profession one pursues doesn’t matter as these skills would always be relevant and beneficial to the success of an employee and in turn to the organization.
  • Important for the economy- the future relies on innovation, creativity, technology, and a set of data and information. It is most needed for a fast-growing economy where the problem is to be solved as quickly and efficiently as possible.
  • Brings enhancement in language and presentation skills- clear and systematic thinking best represents a person. It also refers to how to break down the text and enhance the ability to comprehend it.
  • Promotion of creativity and innovation- by performing the activities, by the way, applying critical thinking one gets to know how to solve problems and come up with new creative ideas to get effective results.
  • Relevant for self-reflection- the ways of Ives and opinions are justified well through the development of skill which gives self-reflection. It helps an individual to evaluate themselves in the way they need themselves to be.
  • Serve as a basis for science and democracy- Theories must be backed with knowledge as critical thinking is needed for democracy and to prove scientific facts and figures.
  • Enhances problem-solving skills- solving problems through the adoption of this skill would enable critical thinkers to be patient and committed to solving the problem. The adaption of this skill makes them better at their jobs as it enables them to take effective decisions that not only benefit them but the organization as a whole.
  • Improves relationships- critical thinkers can better understand the viewpoints and perspectives of others which defines them as open-minded individuals who consider different views.

Initiate creativity, originality, and contributed initiative

The immanent skill to be creative is the one that enables an individual to outstand from others and add many benefits to the organization within which one caters its services.

Originality is much more related to output rather than being part of the creative process. It refers to an ability to generate a product or an idea that is different and unusual, unexpected. It means coming up with those ideas and products that have not existed before.

The initiative or first step so taken by any individual by the way of active participation enables an individual to contribute to the bank of ideas that would be taken to add enhancement to the decision-making process


The above skills adapted by an individual would enable one to strengthen their capacities which would enable them better comprehend the situations and lead towards generating better results with increasing value of the firm.


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