Haven’t you heard about the story of Phoenix, the bird that rose from the Flames of Fire?  Everyone might have wished to Survive their difficult times with ease or wish they had a better strategy for coping with a stressful event. Resilience refers to one’s ability to adapt and bounce back from adversity, challenges, or traumatic experiences. It involves the capacity to withstand and recover from difficult circumstances, maintain a

Emotional Intelligence: A Wider Perspective

Gone are the days when intelligence was just a measure of what our brain could just do in numerics. We are long past the era of defining one’s ability with just the numbers defined in an intelligence test and we’ve paved our way into a broader look towards intelligence. With psychologists and psychiatrists working around the globe, we’ve come a long way in defining one’s own ability or even intelligence.

Starting our journey toward Success

आलस्यं हि मनुष्याणां शरीरस्थो महान् रिपुः नास्त्युद्यमसमो बन्धुः कृत्वा यं नावसीदति।।“ Ālasyaṁ Hi Manuṣyāṇāṁ Śarīrastho Mahān Ripuḥ. Nāstyudyamasamo Bandhuḥ Kr̥tvā Yaṁ Nāvasīdati. Laziness living in a man’s body is his biggest enemy, there is no other friend like hard work because the one who works hard is never unhappy. Success is definitely not a new term. We have already come across millions of quotes, essays, and speeches about what success

Rise of Vocation-ability

Globalization and technological advancements are accelerating rapid changes in the social context and economic development environment. The rules of the game are changing quickly. Neither the word vocation-ability nor the word employability explicitly denotes employment. However, the term vocation-ability suggests a wider concept of skills than is usually covered by the word employability.  Vocation-ability can be seen as an emergent alternative approach to the traditional employment model, encompassing within itself

Personal Branding

What is Personal Branding? Personal Branding is marketing yourself and your career as a brand. It is a  combination of skills, experience, personality, and goals that you want your followers to see. You can share your experience and develop your brand using various social media platforms. For each social media platform, you have to create a different self-branding strategy. Why do Personal Branding? In today’s digital world, personal branding makes

The Leadership Styles

Leadership and learning are indispensable to each other” – John F Kennedy. First and foremost, what is leadership? What makes someone a good leader? Are they any rules to be followed to be a good leader? Leadership in simple words is nothing, but the ability to lead an individual or an organization. Though it sounds simple, it is really an effortful process. To be precise, leadership is the ability of

The Nine Perspectives

How do you make decisions in life? Are you clear about your decisions all the time or do you experience confusion often? Most of us are bound to make decisions according to our gut feelings which may or may not be misleading. Sometimes we even go with the flow because it’s highly uninteresting or stressful to make a good choice. But how do we change our thinking perspective towards a

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