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PIP your way to success
Success is no accident. It is hard work, perseverance, learning, studying, sacrifice, and most of all, love of what you’re doing or learning to do” In the previous blog, we took you into a different world of success. We looked at what success means and how different it is from person to person. When you ask men if they want to succeed in life, the chances of getting a no
BUSINESS ACUMEN: The Key to Success in Today’s Business World WHAT IS BUSINESS ACUMEN Business acumen is the ability to understand how business works, how to make sound business decisions, and how to create and maximize profits. It is the knowledge of how a business works, including the financials, marketing, and operations. It is a combination of skills and knowledge that allows a person to effectively evaluate a business and
Quality Management Principle- Continual Improvement
Introduction The term continual improvement covers the aspect of bringing enhancement in the products, services or processes involved either through incremental or breakthrough upgrades. Bringing improvements in the product through recurring activities hikes the ability of the product to fulfil the laid down requirements. While the continual improvement can be achieved by various tools like – utilization of quality policy, quality objective, audit outcomes, data analysis, preventive actions in
Motivation- the inner driving force
What do you do when you need things to be done? When you want to finish that project, or when you want to eat a little less there is a driving inner force that you would need to get it done, right? That’s what we call ‘motivation’, the basic reason for acting out or behaving in a particular way. This simple concept is what drives an individual to goal-oriented behaviour.
Continuing with the previous article ‘ Analytical thinking and behavior and complex problem-solving.’
Introduction Apart from acquiring analytical thinking and complex problem-solving skills, an individual must also possess the skills of Critical Thinking and analysis and how to initiate creativity, originality, and contribute initiative. The combination of these two skills enables a person to reach conclusions and let them draw effective outcomes out of the business situations so encountered. These results are due to the active participation of employees in carrying out the
Process Approach – Quality Management Principle
Introduction The process Approach is one of the management strategies which includes a method of thinking, planning the sequences, and communication of processes through the set system. The process is well-managed and controlled. The way of thinking and planning so developed for the processes, and the way they interact thus becomes difficult for many people to understand. The organization manages its business as a system of processes but not majorly