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THE IMPORTANCE OF BIODIVERSITY: WHY PROTECTING OUR NATURAL WORLD MATTERS. In 1985, the term biodiversity originated as a contraction of “biological diversity.” In broad terms, it refers to all forms of life on Earth, from microorganisms to rainforests, and how species interact with other organisms. It is the framework that keeps the planet itself – and all life on it – together. Biodiversity is essential. It is critical to the
Blog Writers and Blog Readers Introduction: Blogging has transformed the way we consume and attain material on the internet. It has allowed people to share their views, ideas, and opinions while offering readers a diverse range of topics to engage with. The blogosphere world has grown enormously over the years, with millions of blogs covering topics ranging from kitchen skills and tourism to politics and technology. While blog writers strive
PIP your way to success
Success is no accident. It is hard work, perseverance, learning, studying, sacrifice, and most of all, love of what you’re doing or learning to do” In the previous blog, we took you into a different world of success. We looked at what success means and how different it is from person to person. When you ask men if they want to succeed in life, the chances of getting a no
BUSINESS ACUMEN: The Key to Success in Today’s Business World WHAT IS BUSINESS ACUMEN Business acumen is the ability to understand how business works, how to make sound business decisions, and how to create and maximize profits. It is the knowledge of how a business works, including the financials, marketing, and operations. It is a combination of skills and knowledge that allows a person to effectively evaluate a business and
Persuasion: Fasten your seatbeltss, you are almost there!
We’ve been discussing the PIP way toward success. PIP which stands for executive presence, influence, and persuasion has a very important role in the success of an individual. Executive presence is the inspiring quality the individual possesses to act effectively and inspire coworkers to do their work and succeed in the work they do. The second factor ‘I’ stands for influence stands for the ability to change the belief system
Executive Presence: The First step to your Success Journey
Success is an achievement of something you planned to do. Though it differs from person to person, no one wouldn’t want to be successful. In our previous blogs of this series, we’ve already come across what success means to people and how to achieve it. We also briefly covered the steps and strategies one should adopt to succeed in what one does or achieve what one wants. We also had