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THE ROLE OF FORESTS IN CLIMATE CHANGE MITIGATION Forests cover around 30% of the total surface on Earth. As forests mature, their trees absorb carbon from the atmosphere and store it in wood, plant matter, and beneath the soil. Without trees, much of this carbon would remain in the atmosphere as carbon dioxide (CO2), the primary greenhouse gas causing climate change. Stopping the loss and degradation of forest ecosystems and
Unlock Your Potential : A Self-Audit for Achieving Your Goals
Life auditing or Self-auditing is a self-reflective process aimed at evaluating different aspects of one’s life to gain insights into overall well-being and personal growth. It involves examining areas such as relationships, career, health, personal development, and values to assess how they align with goals and values. By conducting a comprehensive review, individuals can identify areas of satisfaction and dissatisfaction, make informed decisions, and create a roadmap for improvement. Let us explore more on Self-Audit.
Coaching – A Multifaceted Context for Life and Leadership
Coaching – a context that can benefit individuals across all stages of their professional and personal lives. In the world of coaching, there can be a wide range of interpretations and styles depending on the specific context. But why do people seek out coaching in the first place? And what is the role of a coach in the process of achieving goals? How can a coach help, guide and support you towards achieving your goals and staying focused along the way? And ultimately, how do you determine who to trust and rely on as a coach? In this blog post, we’ll explore these questions and even more, dive into the world of coaching and the many benefits it can offer.
HOW TO WRITE A GOOD BLOG Introduction Blogging is an important part of the world and an excellent way to share thoughts and ideas with the world. However, it is not as simple as it appears to write a great blog post. To create a blog post that stands out from the crowd, a lot of effort, research, and creativity are required. Writing an excellent blog is an essential component
The Leadership Styles
Leadership and learning are indispensable to each other” – John F Kennedy. First and foremost, what is leadership? What makes someone a good leader? Are they any rules to be followed to be a good leader? Leadership in simple words is nothing, but the ability to lead an individual or an organization. Though it sounds simple, it is really an effortful process. To be precise, leadership is the ability of