The Leadership Styles

Leadership and learning are indispensable to each other” – John F Kennedy. First and foremost, what is leadership? What makes someone a good leader? Are they any rules to be followed to be a good leader? Leadership in simple words is nothing, but the ability to lead an individual or an organization. Though it sounds simple, it is really an effortful process. To be precise, leadership is the ability of

Emotional Intelligence: A Wider Perspective

Gone are the days when intelligence was just a measure of what our brain could just do in numerics. We are long past the era of defining one’s ability with just the numbers defined in an intelligence test and we’ve paved our way into a broader look towards intelligence. With psychologists and psychiatrists working around the globe, we’ve come a long way in defining one’s own ability or even intelligence.

PIP your way to success

Success is no accident. It is hard work, perseverance, learning, studying, sacrifice, and most of all, love of what you’re doing or learning to do” In the previous blog, we took you into a different world of success. We looked at what success means and how different it is from person to person. When you ask men if they want to succeed in life, the chances of getting a no

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