Continuing with the previous article ‘ Analytical thinking and behavior and complex problem-solving.’

Introduction Apart from acquiring analytical thinking and complex problem-solving skills, an individual must also possess the skills of Critical Thinking and analysis and how to initiate creativity, originality, and contribute initiative. The combination of these two skills enables a person to reach conclusions and let them draw effective outcomes out of the business situations so encountered. These results are due to the active participation of employees in carrying out the

Process Approach – Quality Management Principle

Introduction The process Approach is one of the management strategies which includes a method of thinking, planning the sequences, and communication of processes through the set system. The process is well-managed and controlled. The way of thinking and planning so developed for the processes, and the way they interact thus becomes difficult for many people to understand. The organization manages its business as a system of processes but not majorly

Competency Management Framework

Competency is a term that is much related to an individual’s attributes and inputs. These are defined as behaviours that individuals must acquire to perform the work effectively. It covers the concept of demonstrating performance outputs as well as behavioural inputs. The core competencies of an organization are its capabilities, knowledge, skills, and resources. Core competencies of an organization are also known by the name of core capabilities, briefing in

Quality Management Principle- Continual Improvement

Introduction The term continual improvement covers the aspect of bringing enhancement in the products, services, or processes involved either through incremental or breakthrough upgrades. Bringing improvements in the product through recurring activities hikes the ability of the product to fulfil the laid down requirements. While continual improvement can be achieved by various tools like – utilization of quality policy, quality objective, audit outcomes, data analysis, preventive actions in case of

Skill of emotional intelligence

Introduction Emotional intelligence is the skill of recognizing and effectively positively managing our own emotions to communicate freely without any barriers, relieve stress, and defuse conflicts. An individual can perceive and analyze emotions. Few researchers have the view that emotional intelligence as a skill can be enhanced by learning and strengthened while others have claimed that it is an inborn characteristic. The recent research so developed put light on the

Leadership and social influence

Introduction Leadership refers to the skill acquired by a person by organizing a group of people to meet the desired business goals. They are the individuals which are confident enough to lead and pave the way for others. This skill also enables a person to seamlessly achieve organizational targets and goals within the given timeframe along with managing many people and projects simultaneously. An employer seeker always looks toward hiring

Context of branding

Introduction Branding is majorly considered a pattern of familiarity, definition, fondness, and reassurance that stays in the mind of people. Branding is not only important to leave a memorable experience for your customers but also allows consumers and clients to understand and reflect on what is to be expected from a company. It is a criterion to distinguish one from other competitors and make a clarification regarding what you offer

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